For Humanity
The Dancing DJ mission is to create one of the most spectacular dance music shows, enjoying amazing music, having fun and saving the planet at the same time! The more the show grows, the more we can help humanitarian and ecological projects, and create a better life for everyone. Collaborating with environmental and humanitarian organizations fighting for humanity and preventing our extinction.
This also creates benefits and jobs for all kind of people. As the show integrates artists, singers, musicians, influencers, music lovers and people collaborating for the cause. No matter the race, age or procedence!
Supporting New Talent
New Artist Talent Academy is also a part of the project and helps people develop their talents and passions. Every person has a special gift, talent or purpose.
How can you help?
Thank you for considering helping! Every online and offline interaction helps save our world. You can help by liking and following The Dancing DJ on social media and sharing the website, videos and music with your friends! You can also get tickets to the live shows and performances. When you support the show, we are also supporting humanitarian projects to create a better world for all of us!
Worldwide Charity Network to Save the Planet & Humanity
For this I have funded the WorldWeCan™ Save the World Foundation. A global humanitarian charity network to save our planet, lives and future supporting the most critical humanitarian and ecological projects. You can support the movement at, earning rewards, cash and helping a real action to save our world. You can also shop and save the world at our super humanitarian store with original and viral art. It’s the most humanitarian clothing in Earth! Shop and give to save our future!